Properties for Sale in Causeway Bay & Tin Hau

For many years, Jardine Matheson has fired a cannon shot at noon every day by Victoria Harbour. The gunshots have served as time signals for many generations of old inhabitants of Hong Kong and this tradition continues till today.
Causeway Bay also has many midrise apartment blocks that cater mainly for the local community. Apartments are usually un-renovated of about 800sq.ft and up. Some of the units at the harbour’s edge have wonderful night views of the harbor lights.
Tin Hau is located between Causeway Bay and North Point in the eastern part of Hong Kong island. It is a medium density area with good access to parks and greenery as well as to public transport, shops and restaurants. There are both local and international schools in this area which has taken its name from the Tin Tau Temple which was built in the early 18th century by the Hakka people, dedicated to Tin Hau, goddess of the sea.
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